The RemoteHttpKernel is provided as an alternative to the standard HttpKernel in Symfony. Rather than using the local application, it processes the Request object via cURL, parsing the results into a proper Response object.
First, checkout a copy of the code. Just add the following to the deps
file of your Symfony Standard Distribution:
Then add the bundle to your AppKernel and register the namespace with the autoloader:
// app/AppKernel.php
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Zeroem\CurlBundle\ZeroemCurlBundle(),
// ...
// app/autoload.php
// ...
'Zeroem' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles'
// ...
Now use the vendors
script to clone the newly added repository into your project:
php bin/vendors install
Add zeroem/curl-bundle
to your composer.json file:
"require": {
"zeroem/curl-bundle": ""
And include the composer autoloader:
The RemoteHttpKernel
provides the bridge between the the standard Request/Response architecture
used by Symfony and the cURL library.
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Zeroem\CurlBundle\HttpKernel\RemoteHttpKernel;
$request = Request::create("");
$remoteKernel = new RemoteHttpKernel();
$response = $remoteKernel->handle($request);
Due to the way the HttpFoundation\Request object generates the Request Uri, any changes made to Request::$query will not be reflected when the cURL request is made. I'm currently looking for a proper solution to this issue.
The RequestGenerator
simplifies building multiple, similar cURL Request Objects.
use Zeroem\CurlBundle\Curl\RequestGenerator;
$generator = new RequestGenerator(array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER=>true));
// Automatically has CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER set to true
$request = $generator->getRequest();
Provide a clean, Object Oriented solution for interacting with remote HTTP services that doesn't require knowing the ins and outs of all the various cURL api options nor invents it's own HTTP Request/Response architecture.
I was originally looking for a Symfony Bundle that provided an OO interface to the curl_* functions. Along the way, I realized that I didn't actually want a cURL wrapper, I wanted something that could execute HTTP requests and return the result in a meaningful way. So I decided to use the existing Symfony components and build a custom HttpKernelInterprovided, relegating cURL to an implementation detail rather than the purpose of the project.