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Code for paper: Traffic expertise meets residual RL: Knowledge-informed model-based residual reinforcement learning for CAV trajectory control.

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This repo provides code for our paper: Traffic expertise meets residual RL: Knowledge-informed model-based residual reinforcement learning for CAV trajectory control.


This paper introduces a knowledge-informed model-based residual reinforcement learning framework aimed at enhancing learning efficiency by infusing established traffic domain knowledge into the learning process and avoiding the issue of beginning from zero.

Demonstration video


Devkit setup

1. Create conda environment

# Clone the code to local
git clone
cd traffic-expertise-RL

# Create virtual environment
conda create -n teRL python=3.8
conda activate teRL

# Install basic dependency
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Install torch
pip install torch==1.8.1+cu111 torchvision==0.9.1+cu111 torchaudio==0.8.1 -f

2. Install SUMO

The SUMO version used in this paper is 1.8.0.

To finalize your setup, please make sure to set the SUMO_HOME environment variable and have it point to the directory of your SUMO installation.

which sumo
sumo --version

More details can be found:

3. Download Flow

git clone
cd flow

Revise the code from line 508 in flow/core/kernel/network/

Click to expand/collapse the code
    'netconvert -c ' + self.net_path + self.cfgfn +
    ' --output-file=' + self.cfg_path + self.netfn +
    ' --no-internal-links="false"',

Revise the code in flow/controllers/

Click to expand/collapse the code
"""Contains the RLController class."""
import numpy as np
from flow.controllers.base_controller import BaseController

class RLController(BaseController):
    """RL Controller.

    Vehicles with this class specified will be stored in the list of the RL IDs
    in the Vehicles class.

    Usage: See base class for usage example.

    veh_id : str
        Vehicle ID for SUMO identification

    A set of vehicles can be instantiated as RL vehicles as follows:

        >>> from flow.core.params import VehicleParams
        >>> vehicles = VehicleParams()
        >>> vehicles.add(acceleration_controller=(RLController, {}))

    In order to collect the list of all RL vehicles in the next, run:

        >>> from flow.envs import Env
        >>> env = Env(...)
        >>> rl_ids = env.k.vehicle.get_rl_ids()

    def __init__(self, veh_id, car_following_params):
        """Instantiate PISaturation."""
        BaseController.__init__(self, veh_id, car_following_params, delay=1.0)

        # maximum achievable acceleration by the vehicle
        self.max_accel = car_following_params.controller_params['accel']

        # history used to determine AV desired velocity
        self.v_history = []

        # other parameters
        self.gamma = 2
        self.g_l = 7
        self.g_u = 30
        self.v_catch = 1

        # values that are updated by using their old information
        self.alpha = 0
        self.beta = 1 - 0.5 * self.alpha
        self.U = 0
        self.v_target = 0
        self.v_cmd = 0

    def get_accel(self, env):
        """See parent class."""
        lead_id = env.k.vehicle.get_leader(self.veh_id)
        lead_vel = env.k.vehicle.get_speed(lead_id)
        this_vel = env.k.vehicle.get_speed(self.veh_id)

        dx = env.k.vehicle.get_headway(self.veh_id)
        dv = lead_vel - this_vel
        dx_s = max(2 * dv, 4)

        # update the AV's velocity history

        if len(self.v_history) == int(38 / env.sim_step):
            del self.v_history[0]

        # update desired velocity values
        v_des = np.mean(self.v_history)
        v_target = v_des + self.v_catch \
            * min(max((dx - self.g_l) / (self.g_u - self.g_l), 0), 1)

        # update the alpha and beta values
        alpha = min(max((dx - dx_s) / self.gamma, 0), 1)
        beta = 1 - 0.5 * alpha

        # compute desired velocity
        self.v_cmd = beta * (alpha * v_target + (1 - alpha) * lead_vel) \
            + (1 - beta) * self.v_cmd

        # compute the acceleration
        accel = (self.v_cmd - this_vel) / env.sim_step

        return min(accel, self.max_accel)

Main experiments

Train your model

python --max_training_steps=4000000 --seed=1234

Train RL baselines

python train_[ppo/sac/trpo].py --max_training_steps=4000000 --seed=1234

The results of these scripts can be visualized using TensorBoard.

tensorboard --logdir=logs --port=6006

Train virtual environment model

Download data

To demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the Knowledge NN, we utilize the dataset developed by Mo et al. (2021), which encompasses four representative driving scenarios: acceleration, deceleration, cruising, and emergency braking. In total, the dataset consists of 262,630 data points, with 70% randomly selected for training, 10% for validation, and the remaining 20% for testing. Raw data can be downloaded here, or our processed data here.

Train models

Train the Knowledge NN and the Vanilla NN and compare the loss during training and validation.

python --seed 1234 --idm_data_path ./data/idm_data.h5 

Compare the prediction performance between the Knowledge NN and the Vanilla NN under different dataset sizes.

python --seed 1234 --idm_data_path ./data/idm_data.h5 

The results of these scripts can also be viewed using TensorBoard.

Other Awesome Projects from Our Team

Our team is actively involved in various innovative projects in the realm of autonomous driving. Here are some other exciting repositories that you might find interesting:


    title={Traffic expertise meets residual RL: Knowledge-informed model-based residual reinforcement learning for CAV trajectory control},
    author={Sheng, Zihao and Huang, Zilin and Chen, Sikai},
    journal={Communications in Transportation Research},


Code for paper: Traffic expertise meets residual RL: Knowledge-informed model-based residual reinforcement learning for CAV trajectory control.






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