Developed by 🦏 zoocityboy
The package is designed to help developers/users understand and handle device-specific battery optimization settings that might affect their app's background operations. Simply open or get informations from DontKillMyApp.com
- Open device-specific pages on dontkillmyapp.com
- Retrieve device information and manufacturer-specific optimization guidelines
- Fetch and parse content from the dontkillmyapp.com API
- Add Badge widgets to the app
dart pub add flutter_doki
Add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file:
<!-- If your application checks for inAppBrowserView launch mode support -->
<action android:name="android.support.customtabs.action.CustomTabsService" />
Opens an In-AppWebView displaying instructions on how to disable battery optimization for your app on the current device.
Doki().open(appName: 'My Special App');
if you don't provide appName, it will use the app name from the package.
.then((response){ ...})
You can use pre-made Badge widget with informations about rating manufacturer of the device with link to more information.
type: BadgeType.square // .square, .rectangle
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.