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Blackbox Fuzzing of Distributed Systems with Multi-Dimensional Inputs and Symmetry-Based Feedback Pruning


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DistFuzz is a research fuzzing tool to effectively find bugs in distributed systems. It supports different kinds of distributed system inputs including regular input, faults and timing interval, and uses network message sequences with symmetry-based pruning as fuzzing feedback. It can minimize the initialization time and reproduce bugs with checkpointing and offline record/replay.

Current supported distributed systems

  • Braft
  • NuRaft
  • Dqlite
  • Redis
  • RethinkDB
  • AerospikeDB
  • ClickHouse
  • etcd
  • ZooKeeper
  • HDFS


We recommend you to run the tool using the Docker image we provide.

docker run -it --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --device=/dev/net/tun --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --cap-add=SYS_NICE --cap-add=IPC_LOCK --security-opt seccomp=unconfined zouyonghao/distfuzz:artifact

If you want to build the Docker container or install the tool and dependencies yourself, please refer to



For each system, there is a folder called ${SYSTEM}_test, e.g., braft_test. You need to enter the folder ${SYSTEM}_test/bin and use the script to run the fuzzing test.

# For the systems evaluated in the paper:

# braft
cd DistFuzz/braft_test/bin && ./

# NuRaft
cd DistFuzz/nuraft_test/bin/ && sudo ./

# AerospikeDB
cd DistFuzz/aerospike_test/bin && ./

# Dqlite
cd DistFuzz/dqlite_test/bin && ./

# Redis
cd DistFuzz/redisraft_test/bin && ./

# RethinkDB
cd DistFuzz/rethinkdb_test/bin && ./

# ClickHouse
cd DistFuzz/clickhouse_test/bin && ./

# etcd
cd DistFuzz/etcd_test/bin && ./

# ZooKeeper
cd DistFuzz/zookeeper_test/bin && ./

cd DistFuzz/hdfs_test/bin && ./

Analyzing results

After fuzzing for a while, you can check error cases under DistFuzz/${SYSTEM}_test/bin/test_cases and fuzzing status in the file DistFuzz/${SYSTEM}_test/bin/output/fuzzer1/plot-curve (bc: for coverage).


To reproduce a bug, you need to copy the init_random.txt file in your target bug folder, e.g., test_cases/100, to the current folder. Then you need to use rr to reproduce the bug. The time for reproducing bugs is not guaranteed.

We provide example bug reproduction Docker images we used during our communication with developers. Please note that rr has requirements for CPU and our recent tested CPUs are Intel i9-10980XE and Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248R.

# For etcd-1
docker run -it --rm --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined zouyonghao/etcd-13493 rr replay -a /root/test_cases/3169/rr_rec_1_0/

# For etcd-2
docker run -it --rm --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined zouyonghao/etcd-10166 rr replay -a /root/10166/rr_rec_2_0/

# For ZooKeeper-[1-8]
docker run -it --rm --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined zouyonghao/distfuzz:zookeeper-rr rr replay -a /home/zyh/zookeeper-[1-8]

Code Structure

  • core contains the core libs of DistFuzz including shared memory, common events (like killing node), node manager and the main test logic.
  • fuzz contains the fuzzer that managers seeds and shared memory.
  • strace is the default fault injector and network sequence collector.
  • rr is the modified version of rr-debugger. It is used for record/replay but now it can also directly be used as the fault inject and network sequence collector. So, it actually can replace strace in the new version. But it's slower than strace.
  • bpf can also replace strace and has better performance as it uses BPF as the fault injector. But its fault injection feature is limited. For example, it can only delay network messages or file operations within ~50ms. This is due to the limitation of BPF.
  • ${SYSTEM}_test/src and ${SYSTEM}_test/include contain the custom events for the specific system.
  • ${SYSTEM}_test/bin contains the scripts for the specific system.
  • general_test works as a template for users to understand how to add a new target system to DistFuzz.

Found bugs

Please check the FOUND_BUGS.txt

Citing the Paper

If you would like to cite our work, use the following BibTex entry:

  title={Blackbox Fuzzing of Distributed Systems with Multi-Dimensional Inputs and Symmetry-Based Feedback Pruning},
  author={Zou, Yonghao and Bai, Jia-Ju and Jiang, Zu-Ming and  Zhao, Ming and Zhou, Diyu},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 32nd Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)},


Blackbox Fuzzing of Distributed Systems with Multi-Dimensional Inputs and Symmetry-Based Feedback Pruning







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