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Norwegian translation #878

merged 9 commits into from
Sep 21, 2017

Norwegian translation #878

merged 9 commits into from
Sep 21, 2017


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I wrote a Norwegian translation, based on how I could see that the other translations of Barcode Scanner had been done.

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codecov-io commented Sep 20, 2017

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Merging #878 into master will not change coverage.
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@@            Coverage Diff            @@
##             master     #878   +/-   ##
  Coverage     75.26%   75.26%           
  Complexity     4125     4125           
  Files           250      250           
  Lines         13990    13990           
  Branches       2870     2870           
  Hits          10530    10530           
  Misses         2647     2647           
  Partials        813      813

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srowen commented Sep 20, 2017

Isn't the language code "no"?

By the way, for historical reasons, the "plus" version of this app already had a Norwegian translation. It'll be open-sourced soon. It'd be great to make them consistent as much as makes sense. For your reference, here are the strings from the other app, which mostly overlap with the ones from this one.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 Copyright (C) 2013 ZXing authors

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at

 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
  <string name="app_name">Barcode Scanner+</string>
  <string name="app_picker_name">Applikasjoner</string>
  <string name="bookmark_picker_name">Bokmerker</string>
  <string name="button_add_calendar">Legg til i kalender</string>
  <string name="button_add_contact">Legg til kontakt</string>
  <string name="button_book_search">Boksøk</string>
  <string name="button_cancel">Avbryt</string>
  <string name="button_custom_product_search">Egendefinert søk</string>
  <string name="button_dial">Ring nummer</string>
  <string name="button_email">Send epost</string>
  <string name="button_get_directions">Få veibeskrivelse</string>
  <string name="button_mms">Send MMS</string>
  <string name="button_ok">OK</string>
  <string name="button_open_browser">Åpne nettleser</string>
  <string name="button_product_search">Produktsøk</string>
  <string name="button_search_book_contents">Søk i innhold</string>
  <string name="button_share_app">Applikasjon</string>
  <string name="button_share_bookmark">Bokmerke</string>
  <string name="button_share_by_email">Del via epost</string>
  <string name="button_share_by_sms">Del via SMS</string>
  <string name="button_share_clipboard">Utklippstavle</string>
  <string name="button_share_contact">Kontakt</string>
  <string name="button_show_map">Vis Kart</string>
  <string name="button_sms">Send SMS</string>
  <string name="button_web_search">Nettsøk</string>
  <string name="button_wifi">Koble til nettverk</string>
  <string name="contents_contact">Kontaktinfo</string>
  <string name="contents_email">Epostadresse</string>
  <string name="contents_location">Geografiske koordinater</string>
  <string name="contents_phone">Telefonnummer</string>
  <string name="contents_sms">SMS-adresse</string>
  <string name="contents_text">Ren tekst</string>
  <string name="history_clear_text">Slett logg</string>
  <string name="history_clear_one_history_text">Slett</string>
  <string name="history_email_title">Logg fra strekkodeskanner</string>
  <string name="history_empty">Tom</string>
  <string name="history_empty_detail">Ingen strekkodeskanning er logget</string>
  <string name="history_send">Send logg</string>
  <string name="history_title">Logg</string>
  <string name="menu_decode_image">Skann bilde</string>
  <string name="menu_encode_mecard">Bruk MECARD</string>
  <string name="menu_encode_vcard">Bruk vCard</string>
  <string name="menu_help">Hjelp</string>
  <string name="menu_history">Logg</string>
  <string name="menu_settings">Innstillinger</string>
  <string name="menu_share">Del</string>
  <string name="msg_bulk_mode_scanned">Flerskannmodus: strekkode skannet og lagret</string>
  <string name="msg_camera_framework_bug">Beklager, Android-kameraet fikk et problem. Det kan hende du må omstarte enheten.</string>
  <string name="msg_decode_image_failed">Ingen strekkode funnet i bildet.</string>
  <string name="msg_default_format">Format</string>
  <string name="msg_default_meta">Metadata</string>
  <string name="msg_default_mms_subject">Hei</string>
  <string name="msg_default_time">Tid</string>
  <string name="msg_default_type">Type</string>
  <string name="msg_encode_contents_failed">Kunne ikke lage strekkode av oppgitte data.</string>
  <string name="msg_error">Feil</string>
  <string name="msg_google_books">Google</string>
  <string name="msg_google_product">Google</string>
  <string name="msg_intent_failed">Beklager. Den valgte applikasjonen kunne ikke startes. Innholdet i strekkoden kan være ugyldig.</string>
  <string name="msg_invalid_value">Ugyldig verdi</string>
  <string name="msg_redirect">Omdiriger </string>
  <string name="msg_sbc_book_not_searchable">Beklager. Denne boken er ikke søkbar.</string>
  <string name="msg_sbc_failed">Beklager. Søket opplevde et problem.</string>
  <string name="msg_sbc_no_page_returned">Ingen treff på sider</string>
  <string name="msg_sbc_page">Side</string>
  <string name="msg_sbc_results">Resultater</string>
  <string name="msg_sbc_searching_book">Søker i bok\u2026</string>
  <string name="msg_sbc_snippet_unavailable">Utdrag utilgjengelig</string>
  <string name="msg_share_explanation">Du kan dele informasjon ved å vise en strekkode på skjermen, og skanne den med en annen telefon</string>
  <string name="msg_share_text">Eller skriv noe og trykk Enter</string>
  <string name="msg_sure">Er du sikker?</string>
  <string name="msg_unmount_usb">Beklager. SD-kortet er ikke tilgjengelig.</string>
  <string name="preferences_actions_title">Når en strekkode er funnet\u2026</string>
  <string name="preferences_allowed_content_pattern_summary">Se bort fra strekkoder som ikke stemmer med regulære uttrykk</string>
  <string name="preferences_allowed_content_pattern_title">Kun matchende mønstre</string>
  <string name="preferences_auto_focus_title">Bruk autofokus</string>
  <string name="preferences_auto_open_web_title">Åpne nettsider automatisk</string>
  <string name="preferences_bulk_mode_summary">Skann og lagre mange strekkoder automatisk</string>
  <string name="preferences_bulk_mode_title">Flerskannmodus</string>
  <string name="preferences_copy_to_clipboard_title">Kopier til utklippstavle</string>
  <string name="preferences_custom_product_search_summary" formatted="false">Substitutter: %s = innhold, %f = format, %t = type</string>
  <string name="preferences_custom_product_search_title">Egendefinert søke-URL</string>
  <string name="preferences_decode_1D_industrial_title">1D Industrell</string>
  <string name="preferences_decode_1D_product_title">1D Produkt</string>
  <string name="preferences_decode_Aztec_title">Aztec</string>
  <string name="preferences_decode_Data_Matrix_title">Datamatrise</string>
  <string name="preferences_decode_NFC_title">NFC</string>
  <string name="preferences_decode_PDF417_title">PDF417 (β)</string>
  <string name="preferences_decode_QR_title">QR-koder</string>
  <string name="preferences_device_bug_workarounds_title">Løsninger på enhetsfeil</string>
  <string name="preferences_disable_barcode_scene_mode_title">Ingen strekkode-scenemodus</string>
  <string name="preferences_disable_continuous_focus_summary">Bruk kun vanlig fokus-modus</string>
  <string name="preferences_disable_continuous_focus_title">Ikke bruk vedvarende fokus</string>
  <string name="preferences_disable_exposure_title">Ingen eksponering</string>
  <string name="preferences_disable_metering_title">Ingen lysmåling</string>
  <string name="preferences_force_camera_orientation_summary">Velges kun om bildet er rotert</string>
  <string name="preferences_force_camera_orientation_title">Se bort fra kameraets orientasjon</string>
  <string name="preferences_force_camera_orientation_front_summary">Velges kun om bilder fra frontkamereaet er rotert</string>
  <string name="preferences_force_camera_orientation_front_title">Se bort fra frontkameraets orientasjon</string>
  <string name="preferences_front_light_auto">Automatisk</string>
  <string name="preferences_front_light_off">Av</string>
  <string name="preferences_front_light_on">På</string>
  <string name="preferences_front_light_summary">Bedrer skanning i dårlig lys på noen telefoner, men kan gi gjennskinn. Utilgjengelig på noen enheter.</string>
  <string name="preferences_front_light_title">Bruk frontlys</string>
  <string name="preferences_invert_scan_title">Skann negativt</string>
  <string name="preferences_invert_scan_summary">Skanner etter hvite strekkoder på svart bakgrunn. Utilgjengelig på noen enheter</string>
  <string name="preferences_name">Innstillinger</string>
  <string name="preferences_play_beep_title">Pip</string>
  <string name="preferences_remember_duplicates_summary">Lagre flere skanninger av samme strekkode i loggen.</string>
  <string name="preferences_remember_duplicates_title">Husk duplikater</string>
  <string name="preferences_orientation_title">Ingen automatisk rotasjon.</string>
  <string name="preferences_front_camera_title">Foretrekk frontkamera</string>
  <string name="preferences_result_title">Resultatinnstillinger</string>
  <string name="preferences_scan_title">Skanningsinnstillinger</string>
  <string name="preferences_scanning_title">Mens strekkoder skannes, les\u2026</string>
  <string name="preferences_search_country">Søk land</string>
  <string name="preferences_supplemental_summary">Prøv å hente mer informasjon om strekkodens innhold</string>
  <string name="preferences_supplemental_title">Hent mer informasjon</string>
  <string name="preferences_vibrate_title">Vibrer</string>
  <string name="sbc_name">Google Book-søk</string>
  <string name="wifi_changing_network">Ber om tilkobling til nettverk\u2026</string>

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Norwegian language codes are a hot mess, due to how there's at least 2 writing standards in regular use for it. I've seen both "no" and "nb" in regular use, so I suppose that "no" would also work (Especially if it already worked for the Pro version).

I can also see that the guy who did the Pro translation, did a pretty good job at it. Apart from a one-digit amount of half-awkward lines I'd want to change, the guy did a better job than I did. So I will indeed use the Pro lines as my base for a 2nd attempt at a translation of the Free (Standard?) version.

It was tough to unify the lines to match those of the Free version's strings.xml, but I hope I succeeded at it.
Seeing if I can change the folder name as well.
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DandelionSprout commented Sep 20, 2017

It also deserves note, that since I'm almost entirely focused on translations on Github, that I understand almost nothing of the error message that Travis CI seems to have popped out on the recentmost edits I did, apart from that it doesn't seem in my eyes to be translation-related.
error message

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srowen commented Sep 20, 2017

It's not really Travis, but the Maven build it runs (and that you can run locally if you want).
The real error is higher up, or at least starts with:

[INFO] Generating R file for
[INFO] /home/travis/build/zxing/zxing/android/res/values-no/strings.xml:111: error: Resource entry preferences_front_light_summary is already defined.
[INFO] /home/travis/build/zxing/zxing/android/res/values-no/strings.xml:106: Originally defined here.
[INFO] /home/travis/build/zxing/zxing/android/res/values-no/strings.xml:112: error: Resource entry preferences_front_light_title is already defined.
[INFO] /home/travis/build/zxing/zxing/android/res/values-no/strings.xml:107: Originally defined here.

Fixed the two crashing duplicate entries, it seems.
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Ah. Thanks for narrowing down the issue. I've removed two of those duplicate lines, and found two lines that I had forgot to add to the 2nd version of the translation.

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So, unless you're seeing something that I don't, I'd say that the file is hereby finished and is ready for merging.

@srowen srowen merged commit f9a7462 into zxing:master Sep 21, 2017
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