is a high level and opinionated localization crate built upon the excellent fluent-bundle
crate, the Fluent project and inspired by the thiserror
The goal of this crate is to ease project localization and provide compile time checks (message exists, mandatory arguments are set, functions are defined).
You can check some examples here: https://github.com/MathieuTricoire/l10n-examples
Code repository: https://github.com/MathieuTricoire/l10n
Note: [l10n@0.1
] is available here: https://github.com/MathieuTricoire/l10n/tree/0.1
l10n = { git = "https://github.com/MathieuTricoire/l10n.git" }
MSRV: rustc 1.61+
There is no configuration needed to start using l10n
, just create a l10n
directory next to Cargo.toml
, create as many locale directories (must be valid locales) containing fluent resources.
Localization directory tree structure:
├── _brand.ftl (global unnamed resource)
├── en
│ ├── _common.ftl (unnamed resource)
│ ├── app.ftl (named resource)
│ └── settings.ftl (named resource)
├── en-CA
├── en-GB
│ └── app.ftl (named resource)
├── fr
│ ├── _common.ftl (unnamed resource)
│ ├── app.ftl (named resource)
│ └── settings.ftl (named resource)
└── fr-CA
├── _terms.ftl (unnamed resource)
└── settings.ftl (named resource)
greeting = Bonjour { $first-name } !
status =
.online = En ligne
.offline = Hors ligne
.busy = { $gender ->
[male] Occupé
[female] Occupée
*[other] Non disponible
} ({ $reason })
Then in the root of your application or library initialize l10n
(this create a L10N
static ref used by other macros) and create l10n messages either with the message!
macro or by deriving L10nMessage
use l10n::unic_langid::langid;
use l10n::{message, message_args, L10nMessage};
use l10n::fluent_bundle::{FluentValue, FluentArgs}; // for functions, not necessary for this example
// not necessary for this example
functions: { "TIME": |_: &[FluentValue<'_>], _: &FluentArgs| FluentValue::None }
fn main() {
let lang = langid!("fr");
let username = "Alice";
let greeting = message!("app", "greeting", "first-name" = username);
assert_eq!(greeting.translate(&lang), "Bonjour \u{2068}Alice\u{2069} !");
let status = Status::Busy {
reason: "Meeting".to_string(),
assert_eq!(status.translate(&lang), "\u{2068}Non disponible\u{2069} (\u{2068}Meeting\u{2069})");
status.translate_with_args(&lang, Some(&message_args!("gender" => "female"))),
"\u{2068}Occupée\u{2069} (\u{2068}Meeting\u{2069})"
#[l10n_message("settings", "status")]
enum Status {
#[l10n_message(".busy", reason, "gender" = "other")]
Busy { reason: String },
Create a l10n.toml
or config.toml
file next to Cargo.toml
, to define the locales nor set a different path to the "localization" directory containing the locale directories and fluent files.
file example:
locales = [
{ main = "en-GB", fallback = "en" },
{ main = "en-CA", fallback = "en-GB" },
{ main = "fr-CA", fallback = "fr" },
path = "localization_files"
To use another configuration file at compile time, set the environment variable L10N_CONFIG_FILE
like this L10N_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/specific-config.toml
To have different paths to the "localization" directory according to your need, use a map value for path
(or paths
) where the key is the name of the environment and the value the path to the "localization" directory. A default
environment is required.
Then to compile your artificat with this environment use the environment variable L10N_PATH_ENV
file example:
paths = { default = "l10n", prod = "/path/to/l10n" }
Build command:
L10N_PATH_ENV=prod cargo build --release
You can also prefix your path with a special variable $ROOT
and the library will replace this variable with the path to the configuration file.
file example:
path = "$ROOT/localization_files"
Produced path: /path/to/localization_files
If no locales configuration is provided, l10n
will discover the locales in the "localization" directory. l10n
implements a very basic fallback mechanism between discovered locales, if a locale contains a "region" code it will fallback to the same locale without the "region" code if exists.
Localization directory tree structure (only locale directories are shown):
├── en
├── en-CA
├── en-GB
├── en-GB-variant
├── en-Latn
├── en-Latn-variant
├── en-Latn-GB
└── en-Latn-GB-variant
In the example above the fallbacks will be:
: no fallbacken-CA
: fallback toen
: fallback toen
: no fallbacken-Latn
: no fallbacken-Latn-variant
: no fallbacken-Latn-GB
: fallback toen-Latn
: fallback toen-Latn-variant
A locale can be used if set as a "main" locale, this means if a locale is only set as a fallback it will not be possible to translate messages in this locale.
file example
locales = [
{ main = "en-US", fallback = "en" },
{ main = "en-GB", fallback = "en" },
{ main = "en-CA", fallback = "en-GB" },
{ main = "fr" }, # same as writing `"fr",`
{ main = "fr-CA", fallback = "fr" },
In this example the messages can only be translated with the locales: en-US
, en-GB
, en-CA
, fr
, fr-CA
and not en
which is only set as a fallback "locale".
There is 3 kind of resources:
- Global unnamed resources: Under the
directory starting with_
, these resources are shared across all named resources in all locales. - Unnamed resources: Under locale directories starting with
, these resources are shared across all named resources in the current locale. - Named resources: Under locale directories, these are the resources containing the messages you can use in your code.
"Global unnamed resources" and "Unnamed resources" can be freely created and will be load according to their attached locale.
"Named resources" must exists for all "mandatory locales". "Mandatory locales" are all the locales at the end of a resolution route, in the next example the "mandatory locales" are: "en" and "fr".
locales = [
{ main = "en-GB", fallback = "en" },
{ main = "en-CA", fallback = "en-GB" },
{ main = "fr-CA", fallback = "fr" },
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.