- MandArt - A SwiftUI App
- MandArt Web - a web app front end (under construction)
- MandArt Discoveries - view discovered MandArt
chmod +x *.sh
Install VS Code Extension: rust-analyzer
- mandart-cli
- mandart-core
- mandart-wasm
This document defines a cross-language interop structure for Swift, Rust, and JavaScript to compute and color Mandelbrot sets efficiently.
- Swift: Int32
- Rust: i32
- JavaScript: number (64-bit float, but used as an integer)
- Swift: Double (8 bytes, 64-bit)
- Rust: f64
- JavaScript: Float64Array
Your colors are stored as f64 values ([f64; 3]). Many PNG libraries expect u8 values ([u8; 3]), so we must scale the colors correctly.
See https://denisecase.github.io/mandart-engine-rust/ for the wasm test page.