Releases: scemino/engge
Version v0.8.0 Beta
This release improves the menus, the Help menu is now fully implemented.
Saving a game has been improved also, it should be faster now.
And the actor does not slide instead of walking anymore.
Release notes
Bug fixes
- Missing animation in Trailer alley #269
- Ransome can't use trampoline #268
- Notebook has incorrect name #267
- When loading a game, some object should be here #266
- Impossible to give tube WC-67 #265
- Crash when Ransome is trying to remove his makeup #264
- Some texts are not positioned correctly #263
- Don't overwrite autosave #262
- In close up screens we should not see verb's text #258
- Savegame corrupted if game is saved in Ransome trailer #257
- Tutorial system still buggy #255
- deleteObject doesn't delete object #254
- Menu selection is difficult #251
- Building issues in Windows #250
- When loading a savegame, the objects state is not restored #249
- Actor slides instead of walking #248
- When closing the door, the room should be in the dark #247
- The sheriff looks in the wrong direction #246
- Ransome loses his makeup #245
- When Boris breaks the light in part 1, no sound is heard #243
- When Boris speaks, the sound is heard before the text appears #242
- Wrong talk position #241
- Lip keeps failing when Boris speaks #240
- Crash after Ransome flashback #239
- Suspend threads when game is paused #60
Version v0.7.1 Beta
This release fixes the Windows version, which was broken in v0.7.0.
But it also introduces new features:
- achievements are now saved during the game
- new room effects: sepia and VHS (see Videos section below)
Release notes
Bug fixes
- Version 0.7.0 Beta does not work on Windows #232
- Crash when using map #237
- Tutorial system does not work anymore #238
- Actors disappear after loading a game #235
- Talking stops the game #234
- Title screens are not displayed #233
- Implement achievements #125
- Optional room effects #230
- Savegames in casual are not visible in load game menu #236
- Show a message if ggpack not located #59
Version v0.7.0 Beta
This release introduces:
- a new engine based on SDL2
- a new nice feature: Lighting , I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do
- the ghost effect and the wobble room effect
See Videos section below to watch the effects.
Release notes
New features
- Hide DebugTools by default #231
- Room fade #229
- Save jiggle inventory objects #152
- Manage inventory #32
Bug fixes
- Van wheels still rotate when van is stopped #227
- Volumes can go outside the limits #226
- Lasers in laser hall are not correctly drawn #225
- Franklin keeps going up #224
- Ransome slides on the ladder #223
- In Hotel Hall a plant is following us #222
- Missing Animations #221
- Floating point number generator is wrong #220
- When I try to give Willie, Boris' room key card, it does nothing #217
- When we enter in the van, the elevator room is "weird" #216
- Text max width is not respected #215
- Ray's check list is not drawn at the correct position #214
- Swear jar list is empty if not in English #213
Version v0.6.0 Alpha
Here is the new release of engge 🥳
Why did it take so long ?
I wanted with this release to be able to finish Thimbleweed Park with engge, and after 83 issues fixed, I did it !!
What ? Does it mean the project is finished ? There is no more bug ?
Huh 🤔... no, there are still a lot of bugs and weird behaviors, but it should be possible to finish the game (maybe I introduced regressions during my progress).
As usual, thanks to @Mac1512 who found several issues and to @neuromancer.
Here comes the details of this release:
- [bug] Actors keep their mouth opened after talking #212
- [bug] When eating the hot dog, the motor hangs #211
- [bug] Engge crashes when Boris gives an object to willie in Part 1 #210
- [bug] Impossible to leave the coroner's room #209
- [bug] Some room should not be accessible #208
- [bug] Invalid object state when loading a game #207
- [bug] Boris cannot open gate from a loaded game #206
- [bug] Actor cannot be selected anymore #205
- [bug] Offset should not change Z-order #204
- [bug] Some verbs shouldn't be possible with actors #203
- [bug] In Laser Hall the camera travelling does not work #202
- [bug] In Laser Hall the lasers are invisibles #201
- [enhancement] Add missing callbacks #200
- [bug] Script error in robot harms hall #199
- [bug] Crash when using Chuck's office computer after typing password #198
- [bug] Script error when actorPreWalk is set to null #197
- [bug] Impossible to use jumper board #196
- [bug] Fix regression: actors cannot deliver objects #195
- [bug] Impossible to open the handbook #194
- [bug] Ransome does not want to give the theremin record to anyone #193
- [bug] In the bunker, the cutscene never ends, the elevator doe not close #192
- [bug] Script error when hotel manager calls the Pigeon Bros. #191
- [bug] Bad camera tracking when getting the Book of the Dead #190
- [bug] Impossible to talk to the Book of the dead #189
- [bug] Weird animation when Ransome is using the trampoline #188
- [bug] Impossible to choose a path in the forest maze #187
- [bug] Impossible to decode the will #186
- [bug] Crash when looking at cancelled check #185
- [bug] Script error when entering Sexy Riker's room #184
- [bug] Impossible to quit the dialog with the dragon #183
- [bug] Errors during dialog when calling the radio station #182
- [bug] Script error when using county map #181
- [bug] Script error when entering RadioStation #180
- [bug] Crash when entering MansionLibrary after part 4 #179
- [bug] Impossible to scare annoying kid #178
- [bug] Script error when ghost Franklin becomes a ghost #177
- [bug] Script error when ghost Franklin is exiting the elevator #176
- [bug] Crash when switching the first time to Franklin in ghost #175
- [bug] Franklin should not be killed in the hall #174
- [bug] stopThread can corrupt savegames for TWP #173
- [bug] When Franklin is killed, Reyes appears in the hall #172
- [bug] The sign light is off when starting a new game (Part 1) #170
- [bug] The hotel rooms have incorrect name #169
- [closed] script failure, index x does not exist #168
- [closed] engge closes unexpectedly when accessing the options menu or saving game, normally the second time #167
- [enhancement] Path request for ggpack files #166
- [bug] Callbacks with a parameter should be saved/loaded #165
- [bug] Fail to call a callback when exiting elevator #164
- [bug] Franklin in the elevator is not at the right place #163
- [bug] Franklin cannot put his glasses on #162
- [bug] Annoying kid is not at the right position #161
- [bug] Franklin is floating even if he is not a ghost #160
- [bug] In Nickel, it's not possible to use the county map on copytron #159
- [bug] Dialog freeze when talking with Reyes in sewer #158
- [bug] Delores dancing never stops #157
- [bug] Impossible to use 2 objects together if it requires to scroll inventory #156
- [bug] Crash when reading a library book #155
- [bug] Library books are not at the good positions and have no name #154
- [bug] Save game corrupts some costumes #153
- [bug] After introducing Delores, it crashes #151
- [bug] Lenore dialog never ending #150
- [bug] Animation looping infinitely #149
- [bug] Ransome money cannot be picked up #148
- [bug] Option toilet paper over does not work #147
- [bug] Crash pickupReplacementObject #146
- [bug] Script error when comparing integer to null #145
- [enhancement] Add a console #143
- [enhancement] Add show hotspot with tab key #142
- [bug] Script error when meeting Natalie #141
- [bug] Crash when entering the bookstore #140
- [bug] Crash when switching to actor with thimblecon ticket #139
- [enhancement] Franklin icon is wrong when he is a ghost #138
- [bug] Error in script when switching to franklin #137
- [bug] No actor in county map #136
- [bug] Crash when discussing with Leonard #135
- [bug] Crash when a sound is coming from an object which is deleted #134
- [bug] Crash when entering "Ricky's cakes" #133
- [bug] ZOrder issues #131
- [bug] Memory leak #130
- [enhancement] Add Input mappings #129
- [bug] If Ray starts dialog with Reyes, nothing happens #128
- [bug] Actors have a hat after loading a game #127
- [enhancement] Actors are not selectable when it should #126
- [bug] Failures observed in script execution in dialogue between Ray and Reyes #123
- [bug] When using the verb "Talk to" with Willie, Boris does not walk to the good position #105
- [enhancement] Actor icons does not have the correct size #56
- [bug][help wanted] Layer still wrong [#52](
Version v0.5.0 Alpha
This release introduces the load/save games feature, and wait...
Yes! your savegames are compatible with Thimbleweed Park, it means you can use the savegames from Thimbleweed Park 👍
This feature wouldn't be here today without the help of @atom0s, thanks for all his explanations, he did an amazing work 👏
And a big thank to @Mac1512 who found a last minute big issue with Windows version.
Version v0.4.0 Alpha
This release introduces the tutorial system and fix some bugs.
Here comes the details:
- [bug] Willie's head blinks when he sleeps and he's snoring #119
- [bug] Tutorial arrows should be above inventory #118
- [bug] findScreenPosition is wrong with object in inventory #117
- [bug] When the first dialogue option between Ray and Reyes is selected, the other actor does not give any answer the first time #116
- [bug] Tutorial texts do not appear #115
- [bug] Willie doesn't usually fall asleep when dialog options have been selected. #114
- [bug] Observed failures in the execution of two scripts #113
- [bug] There are still bugs when applying the translation from the start screen the first time the engine starts at the UI menus #112
- [closed] Boris can escape of the screen #111
- [bug] The dialogs are not visible #110
- [enhancement] Once a new game is started, even if the language has been changed, the menu options are still in English #109
- [duplicate] When the "opening" room is executed the vegetation remains static #108
- [bug] Actor text size is too small #107
- [enhancement] The mouse cursor of the game (Cross) disappears when the dialogue with the sisters "Pigeon Brothers" begins #106
- [enhancement] Stars are shinning one pixel off #100
- [bug] Actor text should be wrapped #51
As usual thanks goes to @neuromancer & @Mac1512 who found several bugs
Version 0.3.0 Alpha
This release fix an important bug in Windows where it was not possible to talk to other actors.
You can now skip cutscenes and dialogs.
- [enhancement] When you try to press escape during the intro, engge should show a "prohibition symbol" on the upper left corner #104
- [enhancement] Pause should be allowed at any time, even during the intro #103
- [enhancement] Fix Windows compilation #87
- [enhancement] run function should be called when actor running #85
- [enhancement] Feature request: Release early, release often #49
- [enhancement] UI: start screen, options, etc... #35
- [enhancement] Feature request: allow left-click to advance dialogue #95
- [enhancement] Feature request: allow to skip intro or cutscenes #99
- [enhancement] Selectable actor is not able to talk to other selectable actor #92
- [bug] Dialogues fail in Windows #102
- [bug] Selection of dialog choices is difficult #101
- [bug] Certain animations do not work correctly #97
- [bug] When you start a new game, the music on the start screen keeps playing #96
- [bug] The behavior when you give something to a charecter is upside down #94
- [bug] You can still switch to Boris after playing the first chapter #93
- [bug] Sheriff disappears at first meeting #91
- [bug] When animation not found actor disappears #90
- [bug] Text is written on top of another text in translation into another language #89
- [bug] Failure appears double box checked in EasyHardMode #88
- [bug] Implement createObject with no parameter #86
Thanks to @neuromancer & @Mac1512 who found several bugs
Version 0.2.0 Alpha
This release should be more stable, a lot of issues have been fixed, especially thread issues and pathfinding issues.
Here is an exhaustive list of issues:
- [bug] When Ray gives Reyes the polaroid film, Reyes should say "Happy to help." #82
- [bug] Incorrect value in the "sayLine" variable passed as a parameter in function "ScriptEngine :: call()" #81
- [bug] Actor disappears when picking an object not in room #80
- [bug] Actor says "There's no film in the camera" even if it's false #79
- [bug] We can't hear Reyes say "Body..." #78
- [bug] Some text don't appear #77
- [bug] Actors have their mouth open by default #76
- [bug] Actor vanishes if sentence contains {eyes_left} or {eyes_right} #75
- [bug] Some texts have weird characters #74
- [bug] Actor lip animation is too short #73
- [bug] Pathfinding is still wrong #72
- [bug] When entering a room, camera is not reset #71
- [bug] The sound in animation does not work #70
- [bug] Actor slides #69
- [bug] Preferences are not loaded #68
- [bug] Actor vanishes if sentence contains {notalk} #67
- [bug] Animation with only 1 layer #66
- [bug] Fails to execute a second cutscene #65
- [bug] Crash with inventory object with animation #64
- [bug] cameraAt with object as target is wrong #63
- [bug] The actor talk is too short #62
- [bug] Some actors don't talk anymore #61
- [bug] cameraAt crash with actor as argument #58
- [bug] Some object shouldn't be touchable #55
- [bug] Stop sentence when click elsewhere #54
- [bug] Some animations are wrong #50
- [bug] Fix Pathfinding #46
- [enhancement] Improve thread management #57
- [enhancement] Implement actor run #53
- [enhancement] Use id to have a bridge between squirrel object and C++ object #47
Thanks to:
- @Mac1512 who found a lot of bugs and provides me a lot of details.
- @neuromancer for his "portable binary" for Linux
Version 0.1.0 Alpha
v0.1.0-alpha Update CI to release versions