- Authenticate multi users
- 3-roles interface (Buyer-Seller-Admin). Reference with shopee website
- Connect databases and API by Axios request
- Multi language locales web (VietNamese, English, Russian, Chinese, Indian, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Brazil, France...)
- Dark/Light modes web
- Friendly with SEO and Google Analys
- Auto reponsive on all media sizes
- Site map diagram
- Deploying online to server by Vercel
🧩 slick
🧮 carousel
🎃 icon
🚧 Area chart - docs
🎨 Windi CSS - next generation utility-first CSS framework
🔥 Use the new
<script setup>
syntax -
📥 APIs auto importing - use Composition API and others directly
🖨 Server-side generation (SSG) via vite-ssg
🦔 Critical CSS via critters
🦾 TypeScript, of course
⚙️ Unit Testing with Vitest, E2E Testing with Cypress on GitHub Actions
☁️ Deploy on Netlify, zero-config
- Windi CSS (On-demand TailwindCSS) - lighter and faster, with a bunch of additional features!
- Vue Router
- file system based routingvite-plugin-vue-layouts
- layouts for pages- Pinia - Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api
- components auto importunplugin-auto-import
- Directly use Vue Composition API and others without importingvite-plugin-pwa
- PWAvite-plugin-windicss
- Windi CSS Integrationvite-plugin-md
- Markdown as components / components in Markdownmarkdown-it-prism
- Prism for syntax highlightingprism-theme-vars
- customizable Prism.js theme using CSS variables- Vue I18n - Internationalization
- Vite plugin for Vue I18n- VueUse - collection of useful composition APIs
- manipulate document head reactively
- Use Composition API with
<script setup>
SFC syntax - ESLint with @antfu/eslint-config, single quotes, no semi.
- TypeScript
- Vitest - Unit testing powered by Vite
- Cypress - E2E testing
- pnpm - fast, disk space efficient package manager
- Server-side generation- critters - Critical CSS
- Netlify - zero-config deployment
- VS Code Extensions
- Vite - Fire up Vite server automatically
- Volar - Vue 3
<script setup>
IDE support - Iconify IntelliSense - Icon inline display and autocomplete
- i18n Ally - All in one i18n support
- Windi CSS Intellisense - IDE support for Windi CSS
- ESLint
- Docker - ENV
Vitesse requires Node >=14
Create a repo from this template on GitHub.
git clone https://github.com/thuongtruong1009/e-shopee
cd e-shopee
pnpm i # If you don't have pnpm installed, run: npm install -g pnpm
When you use this template, try follow the checklist to update your info properly
- Change the author name in
- Change the title in
- Change the favicon in
- Remove the
file which contains the funding info - Clean up the READMEs and remove routes
And, enjoy :)
- Just run and auto open at http://localhost:3333
pnpm dev
- To build the App, run
pnpm build
pnpm test
pnpm preview
- Go to Netlify and select your clone,
along the way, and your App will be live in a minute.
- Relax with bee-music
- Enhance front-end skills through twitter-meta
- Generate your GitHub informations by gitbox
- Begining Vue through notedev
- Learning front-end web full course at frontend-master
- Learn Object-Oriented-Programming tutorial at Snake-Game-OOP
- Become Java master for new beginner at Java-training
- Pratice UI/UX at league-fo-legend
- Make flip card game at flip-card
- Learn computer architecture at computer-architecture
❤️ Support me
We are looking for sponsors to join us to have better community reach and impact.
📰 License
This project is distributed under the MIT License.
Copyright of @thuongtruong1009, 2022.