Releases: ohcnetwork/care_fe
Production release v3.0.4
What's Changed
- Update dependency @react-scan/vite-plugin-react-scan to v0.1.4 by @renovate in #10931
- Update renovate.json to bump patch version for updates by @rithviknishad in #10852
- Remove Questionnaire show usage by @amjithtitus09 in #10962
- Cancel button navigation issue in edit questionaire. by @Abhishek2634 in #10954
- Removed the unwanted padding in the bottom of the patient details page by @vishaljoshi789 in #10895
- fixed User Card Layout Issue – Improper Text Overflow by @Fredrick2503 in #10984
- Fix : Notes Overflowing Out Of Screen Issue. by @Abhishek2634 in #10943
- Update
translation by @rithviknishad in #11002 - Fix Button Overflow and Minor Responsive Issues on Mobile View by @modamaan in #10546
- fix: Disable 'Save Valueset' button when there is no changes by @Tanuj1718 in #10886
- Improve responsiveness of User Details page by @Tanuj1718 in #10714
- Fix: Auto-fill Geo Details on Create Facility Page by @siva222003 in #10891
- fix: Update sidebar navigation logic for admin dashboard by @areebahmeddd in #10939
- fix: Adjust containers flexibility and inconsistency by @Tanuj1718 in #10553
- Status Filters and Search for valueset list by @AdityaJ2305 in #10841
- Add Support for Location Association History of Devices by @rajku-dev in #10950
- Add missing translation for location history by @nihal467 in #11005
- Facilities public listing: adjust grid by @Vikaspal8923 in #10997
- Update by @bodhish in #11010
- Improved scrolling behaviour in notes while fetching next page by @khavinshankar in #10953
- Questionnaire and valueset list view enhancement by @Rishith25 in #10712
- SubQuestion | Pass in encounter Id by @amjithtitus09 in #11032
- Staging Release by @amjithtitus09 in #11034
- Restructured the cy.viewport usage to more reusable way by @nihal467 in #11031
- update merge checklist to account for mobile devices by @rithviknishad in #11052
- Fix: Unwanted Horizontal Scroll on Facility Settings Page by @abhimanyurajeesh in #11045
- Add translations for facility form placeholders and labels by @abhimanyurajeesh in #11072
- Fix Organization View Pagination and Search by @rithviknishad in #11074
- Staging Release by @rithviknishad in #11075
- Minor layout fixes by @Jacobjeevan in #11073
- Add translation for District Panchayat government organization type by @rithviknishad in #11078
- Fix: Brush up on the Facility General/Home page design by @abhimanyurajeesh in #11041
- card ui fix: inconsistent ui in the card by @Prasanth-S7 in #10981
- Fix : Button Refreshes Entire Organizations by @Jeffrin2005 in #10978
- feat:Add Resend OTP button at the login page by @Vikaspal8923 in #10940
- Refactor Tooltip Implementations to Use TooltipComponent for Consistent and Simplified Management also Add TooltipComponent to FacilityHomepage by @modamaan in #10681
- bugfix:Remove arrow icon from cancel button in Create Questionnaire by @ashwinpraveengo in #10773
- Staging Release v3.0.4 by @nihal467 in #11080
- Remove patient query parameter from encounter fetch by @bodhish in #11081
- Clean up encounter routes by @bodhish in #11084
- fix: #11090 improve mobile experience for questionnaire errors by @bodhish in #11091
- Release to staging by @bodhish in #11085
- Patient Questionnaire: Org Access by @Jacobjeevan in #10988
- Default to nurse user type in the create user form by @nihal467 in #11098
- patient questionnaire minor fix by @Jacobjeevan in #11103
- Staging Release by @bodhish in #11100
- Refactor Encounter Actions into a Reusable Component by @bodhish in #11106
- Fixes the typographer quote replacement issue by @khavinshankar in #11111
- Fix: Add a new map view to the locations section of a facility settings by @abhimanyurajeesh in #10821
- Update all dependencies (minor, patch) by @renovate in #10758
- Display year of birth when age is entered in public patient registration page by @bodhish in #10808
- Refactor Facility Organization Management by @bodhish in #11158
- Release to Staging by @bodhish in #11159
- Production release v3.0.4 by @tellmeY18 in #11208
New Contributors
- @Abhishek2634 made their first contribution in #10954
- @Fredrick2503 made their first contribution in #10984
- @Vikaspal8923 made their first contribution in #10997
- @Prasanth-S7 made their first contribution in #10981
Full Changelog: v3.0.3...v3.0.4
What's Changed
- Fix cursor pointer issue in Settings page - prevent pointer symbol on hover by @michael-020 in #10753
- Add Confirmation Pop-up to Prevent Accidental Exception Deletions by @modamaan in #10283
- Basic CRUD pages for Devices by @rithviknishad in #10560
- Profile redirection in Users Card and Design sync with dept Users design by @AdityaJ2305 in #10659
- Fix: Medicine Section Bugs by @AdityaJ2305 in #10613
- Fix overflow of medication details for better responsiveness by @DonXavierdev in #10732
- Added Symptoms onset date field in encounters overview by @hrit2773 in #10759
- Potential fix for code scanning alert no. 116: DOM text reinterpreted as HTML by @rithviknishad in #10754
- Fix: Bugs in valueset page by @AdityaJ2305 in #10738
- Redesign: Departments page root view by @DonXavierdev in #10411
- Fix: Add a new list view to locations in the facility settings by @abhimanyurajeesh in #10672
- Redirect on updating questionnaire by @Sulochan-khadka in #10796
- Treatment Summary UI Enhancement by @AdityaJ2305 in #10563
- API queries: fail fast and retry only for network errors and HTTP 502/503/504s by @rithviknishad in #10837
- Location Edit Form and Files Fixes by @Jacobjeevan in #10751
- Add tooltips to facility, organization, and patient switchers by @Rishith25 in #10766
- Fix: Disable submit/save buttons until changes are made on any Edit/Update details page by @Rishith25 in #10764
- Add Facility Map Link by @AdityaJ2305 in #10755
- Fix unnecessary scrollbar on facility overview page by @vinutv in #10833
- Encounter Info Card by @amjithtitus09 in #10792
- Cypress: User Avatar Modification by @DonXavierdev in #10592
- Fix: Inconsistent Feature Badge Styling Across Pages by @AdityaJ2305 in #10839
- fix: Improve responsiveness in Encounter medicine tab by @Tanuj1718 in #10767
- Fix : Rotation Functionality in "Files" Section by @Jeffrin2005 in #10799
- Fix : FacilityOrganizationSelector Displays Only First 15 Entries by @Rishith25 in #10801
- bugfix:fix Overapping greenindicator and scrollbar in Patient Details by @ashwinpraveengo in #10802
- Modified the cypress viewport by @nihal467 in #10851
- Added Location sheet, removed Location Question by @amjithtitus09 in #10810
- Fix : Alignment of Country List in Phone Number Search by @Jeffrin2005 in #10778
- Ensure DialogContent Accessibility by Adding Description Support by @modamaan in #10635
- "Updates edit icons and link styling" #10812 by @muzammil-13 in #10862
- Remove Questionnaire show screen by @amjithtitus09 in #10864
- Removed the extra color class from symptoms list by @vishaljoshi789 in #10867
- Medicine Administer List Should Only Show Active Medicines by @AdityaJ2305 in #10858
- Patient | Mark death by @amjithtitus09 in #10843
- Print Prescription UI update by @AdityaJ2305 in #10856
- Merge Develop To Staging by @nihal467 in #10876
- Fixed facility home actions styles by @khavinshankar in #10835
- fix: Update phone number without removing whole number by @Tanuj1718 in #10884
- Delete .github/workflows/issue-automation.yml by @tellmeY18 in #10873
- Enable Patient Edit button for deceased Patient by @amjithtitus09 in #10882
- UI/UX: Fix Zoom Toggle Button Positioning Issue (#10907) by @AdityaP700 in #10908
- Made file preview dialog responsive by @khavinshankar in #10913
- Merge Develop To Staging by @nihal467 in #10914
- Fix: Added cancel button in
by @abhijeetkhokhar in #10916 - style: Enhance button styling in CreateEncounterForm by @yash-learner in #10919
- Fix: User Dashboard Responsive Issue causing unnecessary horizontal scroll by @abhijeetkhokhar in #10922
- Update ml translations by @rithviknishad in #10951
- Staging Patch Release by @rithviknishad in #10952
- Production release v3.0.3 by @tellmeY18 in #11035
New Contributors
- @michael-020 made their first contribution in #10753
- @muzammil-13 made their first contribution in #10862
- @AdityaP700 made their first contribution in #10908
- @abhijeetkhokhar made their first contribution in #10916
Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.0.3
What's Changed
- Fix : Hover color for active button by @Jeffrin2005 in #10496
- Switch to using cn and variants for AlertDialogAction (#10466) by @abdulazeespr in #10499
- Sanitize html before rendering it unsafely by @khavinshankar in #10485
- Minor fixes in Encounter overview, Medication, Administration by @amjithtitus09 in #10488
- Minor fixes in resource creation form by @Rishith25 in #10218
- FIXED:- Improve Visibility of Status, Role, and Contact numbers on User Management Page List View for Mobile Screens by @modamaan in #10419
- Replaced the older components with ShadCN components in the ResourceCreate Page by @NikhilA8606 in #10367
- File Archiving, Perms, Card Layout by @Jacobjeevan in #10384
- Remove unnecessary console log in AllergyList component by @rithviknishad in #10542
- Add missing i18n translations by @rajku-dev in #10463
- Added Scripts to Generate headers for CF Pages by @tellmeY18 in #10535
- Added confirmation before marking encounter as complete by @shivankacker in #10523
- Fixes token not refreshing in background by @rithviknishad in #10556
- Rename schedule api file to be consistent with other api file naming by @rithviknishad in #10552
- skip unimported check in pre-commit by @rithviknishad in #10557
- Location Popover & History Sheet by @amjithtitus09 in #10540
- Treatment Summary UI by @amjithtitus09 in #10447
- Adds support for
by @rithviknishad in #10529 - Add autoComplete attribute for OTP input by @rithviknishad in #10561
- User Form: Pass in Org to GovtSelector only if Org is Govt by @Jacobjeevan in #10518
- Update dependency lucide-react to ^0.475.0 by @renovate in #10497
- Update all dependencies (minor, patch) by @renovate in #10495
- Improves responsiveness of Encounter Medicines tab by @Tanuj1718 in #10511
- Enhancements to Encounter Discussion/Notes | Fix Translation by @rajku-dev in #10156
- Date handling in DOB section by @Tanuj1718 in #10415
- Refactor Breadcrumbs: Restrict to Locations. by @DonXavierdev in #10539
- Update dependency @sentry/browser to v9 by @renovate in #10544
- Update dependency @hookform/resolvers to v4 by @renovate in #10543
- Fix: Resource filters in mobile view by @Rishith25 in #10402
- fix: update gender validation to include required error message by @areebahmeddd in #10577
- Add pagination for questionaires by @Mahendar0701 in #10575
- Fix
card | Dialog | AddUserSheet | UserSelector Overflow | Change Remove-button background | Modify Translation by @rajku-dev in #10172 - Fix Translations Not Loading for Global Zod Validators Error Messages and Improve Patient Registration Error Messages by @rajku-dev in #10581
- Fix: Redesign the Open view of Department/Teams by @abhimanyurajeesh in #10558
- Migrated Dialog and ConfirmDialog with shadCN component by @NikhilA8606 in #10510
- Enhance LocationSearch: Use "instance" for search & Adjust Input Padding by @DonXavierdev in #10554
- fix: use formatDisplayName on UserDashboard by @areebahmeddd in #10593
- Removed Unnecessary Tabs component by @NikhilA8606 in #10604
- updated the reCAPTCHA Key by @tellmeY18 in #10596
- Combined ResourceCreate page and ResourceDetailsUpdate page by @NikhilA8606 in #10576
- Replaced all deprecated classNames with cn function by @NikhilA8606 in #10605
- Fix: Handle null gender values in user profiles by @AdityaJ2305 in #10614
- Added plug hook PatientInfoCardMarkAsComplete by @khavinshankar in #10641
- 🧹 Remove unused configs, utilities, APIs, styles + enable React
by @rithviknishad in #10631 - resolved Appointments select practitioner options Bug: popover inconsistent spacing between options within the popover content by @hrit2773 in #10636
- Fix: Breadcrumb Navigation Fails to Return to Parent in Department/Teams by @abhimanyurajeesh in #10640
- chore(deps): update dependency @trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports to v5 by @renovate in #10195
- Fix autocomplete unable to pre-fill in certain usages; Adds utility fn. to merge autocomplete options; Fixes facility select in resource form edge case by @rithviknishad in #10646
- Fixed the cypress failure in platform by @nihal467 in #10649
- Fix: Redesign the User view of Department/Teams by @abhimanyurajeesh in #10568
- Fix: Facility switcher and Organization switcher edge case handled by @Rishith25 in #10633
- fixed location sheet UI bug by @hrit2773 in #10619
- Add phone number search for organization users by @Mahendar0701 in #10598
- Show hyphen when no severity in SymptomTable by @rajku-dev in #10662
- Update all dependencies (minor, patch) by @renovate in #10562
- Discharge Summary by @amjithtitus09 in #10570
- Fix: Facility name update in facility switcher by @Rishith25 in #10665
- Enhance Comment Section UI with Redesigned User Icon and Styling by @modamaan in #10458
- Fixed the cypress failure caused by the encounter UI modifications by @nihal467 in #10669
- Valueset UI by @amjithtitus09 in #10590
- Prevent auto focus issue in Org. Patient Search by @rithviknishad in #10609
- Staging Release by @gigincg in #10693
- Fixes certain users from being unable to view an encounter from organizations patients by @rithviknishad in #10688
- Fixed blinking issue while lazy loading plugin components by @khavinshankar in #10702
- Update dependency jspdf to v3 by @renovate in #10690
- Update all dependencies (minor, patch) by @renovate in #10670
- Add react-scan by @sainak in #10710
- Encounter Create - Organization required by @amjithtitus09 in #10691
- Location Prefill with current location by @amjithtitus09 in #10719
- Fix: Query Parameters Not Reset on Department Page Upon Performing Search by @abhimanyurajeesh in #10717
- Merge Develop To Staging | Patch by @nihal467 in #10726
- Add count to resource and encounter page by @Mahendar0701 in #10700
- Fixed Pagination in facility specific user tab by @nihal467 in #10729
- Update dependency vite-plugin-checker to ^0.9.0 by @renovate in #10730
- Update all dependencies (minor, patch) by @renovate in #10709
- fix: Organization Users page needs responsiveness by @Tanuj1718 in #10413
- Redesign the Facility Details Page by @AdityaJ2305 in #10380
- Solved type error using a custom method by @Tanuj1718 in #10630
- Fixes delete button alignment in ValueSet Form by @Agastya18 in #10737
- Patient Tabs Fixes by @Jacobjeevan in #10642
- Questionnaire tags search and popover by @Jacobjeevan in #10703
- Questionnaire List & Edit UI Redesign by @amjithtitus09 in #10678
- Adding patie...
What's Changed
- Introduced enhanced validations and dynamic UI components for patient registration, encounter overviews, and questionnaires.
- Added location-based functionality for improved search, assignment, and display in patient details and encounters.
- Upgraded user authentication flows with streamlined error management and a dedicated logout API.
- Expanded medication management and file handling with new screens, dialogs, API endpoints, and improved validations.
- Migrated to a modern data fetching strategy using
to improve resource updates and performance. - Integrated new pluggable components to enrich patient demographics and other patient details.
- Improved print preview and responsive layouts across various views.
- Corrected bugs in patient registration, login flows, and file upload error detection.
- Resolved issues with location search, date handling, and placeholder displays.
- Improved UI responsiveness and consistency in appointment cards, user details, and mobile/tablet views.
- Enhanced error handling across API calls, file conversions, and message displays.
- Replaced deprecated components and streamlined data fetching to address loading and state issues.
- Updated internal documentation and environment configurations.
- Updated dependencies and removed unused libraries, components, GitHub workflows, and deprecated utilities.
- Added new lint checks and improved test setups.
- Consolidated translation and localization updates.
New Contributors
@khavinshankar @nihal467 @AdityaJ2305 @rithviknishad @rajku-dev @yash-learner @amjithtitus09 @shivankacker @gigincg @DonXavierdev @Jeffrin2005 @Mahendar0701 @Jacobjeevan @bodhish @modamaan @Tanuj1718 @Niaal-B @mdimado @NikhilA8606
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.0.1
Care Architecture v3
What's Changed
- CARE is evolving into a comprehensive HMIS (Health Management Information System).
- Added support for home-based care, including patient and caregiver management.
- Introduced resource allocation with live tracking via dashboards.
- Redesigned platform using v3 design principles.
- Migrated UI components to ShadCN to support easier development.
- Re-architected the platform to align with FHIR specifications.
- Introduced organizational hierarchy and RBAC system for improved access control.
- Enabled dynamic form creation using FHIR-compatible questionnaires:
- Users can create custom forms to capture specific patient data.
- Simplifies data maintenance based on user requirements.
- Data overview pages now support graph, timeline, and other preview modes
- Added structured questionnaires for Symptoms, Medications, Allergies, and Diagnoses following SNOMED terminologies
- Adopted phone number and YOB as unique patient identifiers.
- Location-based access control for patient records was introduced.
- Enabled assignment of global identifiers (IP/OP/EMR Number) per user specifications.
- Launched a public app for patient-initiated appointment scheduling.
- The public app includes a patient-specific dashboard to view appointment history.
- Integrated general scheduling for resource allocation across facilities and organizations.
- Added micro-frontend architecture and plug-in app support
New Contributors
- @arhamathar , @cbum-dev , @Utkarsh-Anandani and @Prakhar29Sharma made their first contributions
@shivankacker @khavinshankar @AdityaJ2305 @yash-learner @bodhish @dependabot @nihal467 @rithviknishad @sainak @bodhisha @Jacobjeevan @amjithtitus09 @NikhilA8606 @Rishith25 @abhimanyurajeesh @gigincg @AnveshNalimela @Mahendar0701 @arhamathar @cbum-dev @tellmeY18 @JavidSumra @DonXavierdev @mnshrm @modamaan @shauryag2002 @Jeffrin2005 @rajku-dev @Rustix69 @Utkarsh-Anandani @manmeetnagii @renovate @Prakhar29Sharma @i0am0arunava @ashwinpraveengo
Full Changelog: v25.1.0...v3.0.0
What's Changed
- Bump @radix-ui/react-slot from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 by @dependabot in #9518
- Auto label CI: fix permissions by @Rustix69 in #9514
- refactor: changed npm to sheetjs cdn by @noufalrahim in #9522
- Bump @radix-ui/react-label from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 by @dependabot in #9519
- FIXED: Warranty Card UI Improve Responsiveness and Text Overflow Handling by @modamaan in #9491
- FIXED: Implement Dropdown for Hidden Breadcrumb Paths Across the Platform by @modamaan in #9413
- User Profile Replacement/Removal by @Jacobjeevan in #9382
- fix: remove overlapping of text and icons by @Tanuj1718 in #9490
- Fix: Discharge patient showing live by @AdityaJ2305 in #9415
- Fix: Volunteer access to link facility by @AdityaJ2305 in #9422
- Bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.62.7 to 5.62.8 by @dependabot in #9537
- Bump react-pdf from 9.1.1 to 9.2.1 by @dependabot in #9536
- Use shadcn Tooltip Components across FacilityCard by @rajku-dev in #9317
- Add View Consultation Button by @JavidSumra in #9296
- fix: DateInput and Actions button not optimised for mobile viewports by @harshit078 in #9432
- Fixed scroll issue in Shifting and Resource by @Jeffrin2005 in #9475
- Bump @radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu from 2.1.2 to 2.1.4 by @dependabot in #9555
- Fix Resource Board Filtering Failure by @nihal467 in #9558
- Bump @radix-ui/react-toast from 1.2.2 to 1.2.4 by @dependabot in #9554
- Fixes #9559:No Notice Available Icon Misaligned in Mobile View by @pranavchaitu in #9562
- Bump @yudiel/react-qr-scanner from 2.0.8 to 2.1.0 by @dependabot in #9566
- Bump @sentry/browser from 8.45.1 to 8.47.0 by @dependabot in #9565
- Fixed All Cypress Flaky test capture in cloud by @nihal467 in #9569
- Merge Develop To Staging v24.53.0 by @nihal467 in #9535
- Always show "online" for authenticated user profiles by @abhimanyurajeesh in #9574
- Bump @radix-ui/react-popover from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4 by @dependabot in #9576
- Bump react-i18next from 15.1.3 to 15.2.0 by @dependabot in #9575
- Fix: the selected medicine issue in the placeholder by @AdityaJ2305 in #9596
- Removed unwanted check in the patient discharge test by @nihal467 in #9601
- Integrates useInfiniteQuery for data fetching and resolves Infinite Load issue in Notes. by @JavidSumra in #9190
- fixes address and patient note card multi-line issue by @rithviknishad in #9607
New Contributors
- @harshit078 made their first contribution in #9432
- @Jeffrin2005 made their first contribution in #9475
- @pranavchaitu made their first contribution in #9562
- @abhimanyurajeesh made their first contribution in #9574
Full Changelog: v24.52.0...v25.1.0
December Fourth Week Release; v24.52.0
What's Changed
- Scribe Enhancements support PR by @shivankacker in #9265
- Bug-Fix: Patient's Age parsing discrepancy during XLS export in Sample Management System by @pooranjoyb in #9247
- Facility bed capacity verification test by @Jacobjeevan in #9145
- Changes on Assigning/Reassigning/Unassigning Volunteer to Patient by @rajku-dev in #9330
- Replace custom useQuery util with TanStack useQuery by @amjithtitus09 in #9360
- Sample Test Details: Fix Padding and enclose status and result with i18n by @rithviknishad in #9387
- fix: fixed enter key issue by @noufalrahim in #9396
- Fix: Added location for linked facility by @AdityaJ2305 in #9383
- Fix: Allergy count to Updated to has allergies text by @AdityaJ2305 in #9399
- User creation form bug fix by @Jacobjeevan in #9404
- Util function for cleaner usage of TanStack useQuery by @amjithtitus09 in #9395
- Fixed the date format in the user details page by @nihal467 in #9409
- Remove Sample management system by @bodhish in #9425
- Cleanup capacity related fields from facility by @bodhish in #9436
- Fixes timestamp alignment and adds 'Last Modified' section in patient management #9397 by @ashwinpraveengo in #9410
- Fix phone number field overflow in search component on firefox by @sainak in #9378
- Fix: Inconsistency in Title during creation of Resouce Request #9440 by @srijantrpth in #9442
- Bump i18next-browser-languagedetector from 8.0.0 to 8.0.2 by @dependabot in #9370
- Fixed Redirection of Critical care updation by @nihal467 in #9453
- Added Custom Headers Logic to Query by @srijantrpth in #9458
- Fix: Duplicate network requests in Patient Details page by @Mahendar0701 in #9297
- Adds
compatible utility function and other abstractions by @rithviknishad in #9463 - Search UI for discharge patients by @Mahendar0701 in #9320
- Fixes UI Bug Issue in Symptom Editor by @JavidSumra in #9270
- Occupancy bed tooltip fully visible in mobile view by @Rishith25 in #9235
- Disallowing out of date range by @Rishith25 in #9201
- Bump @sentry/browser from 8.42.0 to 8.45.1 by @dependabot in #9473
- Fix: UI changes in shifting and resources pages by @SathishAdithiyaaSV in #9437
- Create 'copyToClipboard' utility function by @rajku-dev in #9449
- Cypress tests replace cy.wait with cy.intercept or dynamic waits by @Rishith25 in #8963
- FIXED: The APPROVAL LETTER is not wrapped with the component by @modamaan in #9479
- Fix avatar upload stuck state and update header after changing avatar by @shauryag2002 in #9427
- Fixed Flaky Test in cypress develop branch by @nihal467 in #9492
- Bump cypress from 13.15.2 to 13.17.0 by @dependabot in #9482
- Bump @radix-ui/react-tooltip from 1.1.4 to 1.1.6 by @dependabot in #9481
- Bump browserslist from 4.24.2 to 4.24.3 by @dependabot in #9495
- Bump @radix-ui/react-dialog from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4 by @dependabot in #9496
- Fixed facility selection issue in UserAddEditForm by @khavinshankar in #9503
New Contributors
- @pooranjoyb made their first contribution in #9247
- @amjithtitus09 made their first contribution in #9360
- @ashwinpraveengo made their first contribution in #9410
- @srijantrpth made their first contribution in #9442
- @SathishAdithiyaaSV made their first contribution in #9437
Full Changelog: v24.51.0...v24.52.0
December Third Week Release; v24.51.0
What's Changed
- Refactored Location Management Cypress Test by @nihal467 in #9301
- Add 'Update Details' Button in Community Nurse Log Update Details Page by @kihan2518B in #9094
- Sidebar Duotone icons by @shivankacker in #9281
- Bump cypress from 13.16.0 to 13.16.1 by @dependabot in #9302
- Fixed Add a better search UI for patients index page #8691 by @i0am0arunava in #8834
- changed modified_date to created_date on PatientHome page by @SwanandBhuskute in #9309
- Bump class-variance-authority from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1 by @dependabot in #9314
- fix: update Care's DPG URL by @Tanuj1718 in #9322
- Updated Test Details page form UI by @modamaan in #9138
- Bump react-i18next from 15.1.1 to 15.1.3 by @dependabot in #9291
- Bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.6 by @dependabot in #9158
- Bump i18next-http-backend from 2.6.2 to 3.0.1 by @dependabot in #9303
- Reorder Patient Search buttons by @shivankacker in #9319
- Fix excessive vertical padding in all pages by @rithviknishad in #9331
- removed lodash imports and dependencies and wrote js equivalents by @SwanandBhuskute in #9116
- Bump cmdk from 1.0.0 to 1.0.4 by @dependabot in #9348
- Fixed User Default View in Resource and Shifting by @nithish1018 in #9306
- Bump nanoid from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8 by @dependabot in #9346
- User Management Redesign and User Details Page by @Jacobjeevan in #9080
- fix infinite loading by @manmeetnagii in #9354
- Fix Infinite render on country code change by @JavidSumra in #9337
- Users Manage Test Fix by @Jacobjeevan in #9368
- Upgrade cypress version by @AdityaJ2305 in #9375
- Fix: [Clear Button is active when no input is selected in Dropdown] by @Rustix69 in #9264
- Fixed the user management page cypress issue by @nihal467 in #9384
- Fixed Flaky test in the user advance filters by @nihal467 in #9385
- Fixed Redirection of Critical care updation by @nihal467 in #9455
New Contributors
- @kihan2518B made their first contribution in #9094
- @manmeetnagii made their first contribution in #9354
Full Changelog: v24.50.0...v24.51.0
December Second Week Release; v24.50.0
What's Changed
- fix: updated crowdin.yml file by @Tanuj1718 in #9211
- Fix: Breadcrumbs redirection to patient edit consultation form by @shauryag2002 in #8985
- Fixes PR thank you msg. from potentially tagging the PR author twice by @JavidSumra in #9228
- Implemented Next and Previous button for files preview by @sarvesh-official in #9196
- Fix: Date of Birth to Year of Birth on Patient Details Page when DOB is Missing by @AdityaJ2305 in #9242
- fixing back button for camera asset by @SwanandBhuskute in #9246
- Rewriting according to POM approach by @AnveshNalimela in #8930
- Fixed Breadcrumb to Display Detailed Name Instead of ID by @rayyjeb in #9200
- Fix : Advanced Filters Autofilling on Revisit to Patient Tab by @Mahendar0701 in #9251
- Add edit button to immunisation section; replaced buttons with shadcn buttons across PatientsDetail section by @DonXavierdev in #9245
- phone size responsive issue shifting details page #8831 Open by @ayushpatil2122 in #9256
- Fix: Reflect Updated Service Notes Immediately in Asset Details without page reload by @Rishith25 in #9226
- Camera Preset Not Resetting on Re-selection Bug by @Jacobjeevan in #9186
- Update Sample File Upload and upgrade buttons to Shadcn button by @nithish1018 in #9157
- Referral letter preview desktop by @modamaan in #8954
- Tooltip added for treating docter skills in Patient details page by @Mahendar0701 in #9254
- Bump @radix-ui/react-icons from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 by @dependabot in #9127
- Bump @radix-ui/react-tooltip from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4 by @dependabot in #9098
- Bump @sentry/browser from 8.37.1 to 8.42.0 by @dependabot in #9280
- Updated Non-Core Question Workflow by @tellmeY18 in #9220
- Enable ABDM plug in cypress env by @nihal467 in #9288
- Refactored User Login Workflow in cypress by @nihal467 in #9285
- Partially revert lockfile changes from #9285 by @rithviknishad in #9295
- Bump tailwind-merge from 2.5.4 to 2.5.5 by @dependabot in #9293
- Bump cypress from 13.15.2 to 13.16.0 by @dependabot in #9292
New Contributors
- @sarvesh-official made their first contribution in #9196
- @rayyjeb made their first contribution in #9200
- @DonXavierdev made their first contribution in #9245
- @ayushpatil2122 made their first contribution in #9256
Full Changelog: v24.49.0...v24.50.0