Releases: SAP/luigi
Releases · SAP/luigi
[v1.2.0] (2024-07-25)
🚀 Added
- #3797 Adds navigateToIntent to wc client api (@walmazacn)
- #3785 Add getToken function support to Luigi Container (@ndricimrr)
- #3780 Add getCurrentRoute function support to Luigi Container (@JohannesDoberer)
- #3697 Light dom container - no-shadow option for Luigi Container (@hardl)
- #3695 Value validation for webcomponent attribute (@VincentUllal)
- #3650 Specify iframe sandbox and allow rules (@JohannesDoberer)
- #3643 Align Luigi Container wc clientAPI with core (@ndricimrr)
🐛 Fixed
- #3742 Fixes show confirmation modal method (@walmazacn)
[v2.14.1] (2024-07-11)
🐛 Fixed
- #3812 Added keepPrevious to modalSettings in client ts declaration (@JohannesDoberer)
[v2.14.0] (2024-07-03)
🚀 Added
- #3787 Add support for Nightwatch, WebdriverIO and Puppeteer for testing-utilities (@walmazacn)
- #3780 Get current route (@JohannesDoberer)
- #3774 Add getCurrentTheme wc clientAPI (@JohannesDoberer)
- #3748 Fiddle theming example (@JohannesDoberer)
🐛 Fixed
- #3727 Fix top nav children not rendered (@JohannesDoberer)
[v2.12.0] (2024-05-03)
🚀 Added
- #3709 Ignore page not found error handling by Luigi (@JohannesDoberer)
- #3693 Update context via core api (@JohannesDoberer)
- #3711 Change Luigi core version on the fly in Luigi fiddle (@hardl)
- #3712 Remove favicon console warning (@Jotrorox)
[v2.11.0] (2024-04-19)
🚀 Added
- #3664 Add TabNav navigate on click (@camelCaseChris)
🐛 Fixed
- #3696 Fix dependency issue in client-support-angular (@JohannesDoberer)
[v2.10.0] (2024-04-09)
🚀 Added
- #3672 Add on close promise to Luigi Client openAsModal (@hardl)
- #3654 Cypress support for testing utilities (@JohannesDoberer)
🐛 Fixed
- #3680 Fix global nav focus issue (@hardl)
- #3679 Fix loading indicator not going away when fast clicking multiple times to a nav node (@hardl)
- #3662 Fix runtime error (@JohannesDoberer)
- #3646 Fix dynamic params for angular routing(@camelCaseChris)
- #3652 Fix return type of compound container init (@hardl)
[v2.9.0] (2024-02-13)
🚀 Added
- #3486 Btp layout (@hardl)
- #3638 Fix: use SameSite=None and Secure attributes for cookie deletions (@vladm9800)
- #3635 Add datatest-id to tab nav (@ndricimrr)
- #3494 Set view group data for wc api (@JohannesDoberer)
🐛 Fixed
- #3623 Refactor testing-utilities and angular v17 support in client-support-angular library (@JohannesDoberer)
🐛 Fixed
- #3600 Avoid browser history change from luigi client on context update (@JohannesDoberer)(
[v2.8.0] (2024-01-23)
🚀 Added
- #3590 Lazy loading option for compound web component mode (@camelCaseChris)
🐛 Fixed
- #3572 Calc max-height for tabNav dropdown (@JohannesDoberer)
- #3564 Fix resizing when drawer opens/closes (@camelCaseChris)